Spot Maps 1 2 – Map Your Network

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In the same way that a road map can help you find your way as you drive a car, a network map will help you and your team plot your way around design issues. Mapping your network will help you spot early signs of trouble before they become problems, and it will act as a great reference document for your staff—both old hands and newcomers to. With GradCamm, Saliency Maps and other conv visualisation techniques, we could only 'see' one image at a time. But how could we 'do stastistics' on a whole dataset. For example, to see how a 'general digit 1' is seen by the network. I have searched for articles/papers, but couldn't find anaything.

User Menu

Measure a Distance

The measure distance tool is a simple way of finding the distance between two or more points on a map.

Measure Distance Map


[Map Height : Small - Medium - Large]

Total Distance

Autopan ?Midpoint Drag?

Travel Time

Select Speed..

0 1000 MPH Tubemate youtube downloader.

Or choose mode of transport..

Units of Time

Slow Car
Fast Car
Passenger Aeroplane

How to use the Measure Distance Tool

Spot maps 1 2 – map your network ip
Autopan ?Midpoint Drag?

Travel Time

Select Speed..

0 1000 MPH Tubemate youtube downloader.

Or choose mode of transport..

Units of Time

Slow Car
Fast Car
Passenger Aeroplane

How to use the Measure Distance Tool

Simply click once on one point, then click again on the second point. The distance should then be displayed. You can click more than two points in order to build up a continuous route.

Use the miles / km / nautical miles / yards switch to measure distances in km or in miles or nautical miles. The Autopan option will move the map as you click the points.

The Search For Location text box allows you to quickly get to an area you wish without spending time zooming and panning to find it. For example if you wish to find the city of Rome in Italy, type 'Rome, Italy' and then click Search. The map will then go straight to Rome. Note the '[city][comma][space][county]' format.

Toggle markers will show or hide the markers if they get in the way.

Clear last will remove the last point from the map

Zoom to fit will zoom and pan the map to get the best fit of all your points on as large a zoom as possible.

Clear Map is a reset button that will clear all points and allow you to start measuring a distance again.

You can edit the position of any existing points by dragging the marker (when they are displayed) and dropping the marker in it's new position

You can also adjust the height of the map to have it large, medium or small in size.

You can delete a point by right clicking on the node.

Future Ideas and Improvements

  • Auto-reroute for optimum distance (traveling salesman problem)
  • Have other speeds like fiber optic cable (~.6 c) and Mach
  • Option to add a title to a marker which then appears on mouse over and data export

Version History

  • 21st February 2021 - Selected units of distance are stored and recalled when you next visit
  • 6th July 2020 - New option to Export a link to the route. Found inside Export Options section
  • 2nd June 2019 - Fixed bug with meters output not working
  • 29th May 2019 - Implemented Leaflet Maps
  • 20th May 2019 - Fixed bug in IE browser
  • 9th May 2019 - Fixed issue with distance not reseting to zero when Clear Map button clicked
  • 14th September 2017 - Distance now displayed on map while in full screen mode
  • 4th August 2017 - Units selector upadted. Feet units added
  • 24th July 2017 - Full Screen option moved on to map. Now found at top right corner
  • 4th July 2017 - Fixed issue with CSV and XLSX export
  • 29th January 2017 - Option to show elevation chart and export CSV file of elevation data along route
  • 25th November 2016 - KML export to show pins at each node along the route
  • 23rd November 2016 - Added download KML, CSV and XLSX option
  • 19th July 2016 - Bug fixes with how the mode of transport and estimated time of travel changes if the units are changed
  • 5th July 2016 - Added meters as a unit of distance
  • 25th June 2016 - Travel speed units change depending on units of distance
  • 20th June 2016 - Fixed issue with days measurement displaying twice the actual value
  • 24th March 2016 - Route points can now be added mid-way along. Points can also be deleted by right clicking
  • 25th January 2016 - Speed can now be input manually
  • 28th December 2015 - Added option to change between minutes, hours and days for the travel time estimate
  • 24th June 2014 - Added option Snap To Roads
  • 24th March 2014 - Added option Pan to My Location
  • 11th January 2012 - Implemented Google Maps API V3. Added Full Screen option
  • 12th October 2010 - Markers now show their latitude and longitude when you hover over them
  • 15th October 2009 - Added travel time output
  • 12th October 2009 - Added terrain map option
  • 20th February 2008 - Revamp of design now with draggable markers
  • 1st November 2007 - Added quick find text box
  • 19th October 2007 - Yards now added as a unit of measurement
  • 9th October 2007 - Nautical Miles added as unit of measurement
  • 5th September 2007 - Descriptive Text Updated
  • 28th June 2007 - Page Created

Relevant Links

If you are trying to measure the distance between two cities, then the How far is it Between tool is probably more suitable for your needs.

Comments For This Page

yalpertem, it has now been added. Swift 426.
By Free Map Tools on 21st February 2021

Feature request: Can you auto-save the selected unit of measurement? Great work!
By yalpertem on 20th February 2021

Hi Steve, a quick test comes back as 'working' for us. Could you try a different browser on your computer? Just as a comparison test.
By Free Map Tools on 16th February 2021

Hello, I have been a big fan of Free map tools for almost a year. But generate link, which had problems since December, no longer works on my computer.
By Steve on 13th February 2021

No, such features are not taken in to account when the distance is measured.
By Free Map Tools on 24th January 2021

Does this take into consideration the geography (mountains, hills, plains) when displaying the distance?
On 23rd January 2021

best toolit make my work easier THANK YOU
By REHMAN MAGSI on 19th January 2021

yalpertem, thanks again for reporting this. The XLSX error should now be fixed.
By Free Map Tools on 12th January 2021

Thank you very much for the quick response. Didn't notice the User Menu before. It works great. Generate link also works when I retry. It's not necessary anymore for me but export xlsx still fails with generating a file
By yalpertem on 11th January 2021

Hi yalpertem, thanks for your feedback. We cannot reproduce the Generate Link issue. It's working fine at this side. Can you retry? You can Save/Load/Export/Import data for this page using the User Menu found at the top right of the page.
By Free Map tools on 11th January 2021

Thanks for this great tool. I'm planning walking/running routes with it.- 'Generate link' and xlsx export does not work for me.- Since you have an export option, an import functionality would be nice.
By yalpertem on 10th January 2021

By FRANCISCO. on 11th December 2020

i did not understand it
By loan on 10th December 2020

Tried to measure the distance between Tarawa, Kiribati and Kiritimati, Kitibati. The line doesn't show the shortest path over the Pacific Ocean, but goes the long way around the globe.
By peterburk on 8th December 2020

How do you import files that you exported?
On 6th December 2020

Charlie, the Date Saved column is now populating correctly.
By Free Map Tools on 30th November 2020

How do we mesure a distance on a mal ?
On 23rd November 2020

On 14th November 2020

Dominica Roseau in Country of Island in Central America
By Juan Cortez on 11th November 2020

By salah on 2nd November 2020 Daisydisk 4 5.

Spot Maps 1 2 – Map Your Network Location

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